Training & Affairs

Training Courses & Affairs

Nbatat company is glad to offer its courses in surface cultivation and soilless cultivation, with hands-on training to its clients for maintaining gardens. It also holds the permanent exhibition in Burj Al Arab next to the Army Stadium in Alexandria, and the spring exhibition of plants and flowers in the Orman Garden in Cairo

Monthly Training

March 2023

Alexandria International Agricultural Fair 2023 Alex Green Tech

February 2023

Monthly Training

March 2022

Orman Affair

February 2022

One of the field visits to Nbatat company

February 2022

Monthly Training

February 2022

The 10th Recruitment Forum 2019

Speech of Albeit Almasry Company at the Employment Forum at Alexandria University in the presence of the University Rector, Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdi. The company contributes in cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture in Shatby and the Agriculture Syndicate to help new graduates and students find job opportunities.